The Symptoms of a Bad Camshaft Sensor

A camshaft sensor is a vital component of a diesel engine. The part determines when valves open and shut so that an air-fuel mixture can pass through them. This air-fuel mixture is transported to the crankshaft, where it’s converted into energy that starts the transmission. Since it performs such an essential job, drivers are in for a major headache if the sensor is ever damaged. Thus, everyone should know the symptoms of a bad camshaft sensor, so they can address the issue right away. Neglecting these problems may cause an engine to fail entirely.

A Brief Overview

The camshaft and crankshaft work in conjunction with each other. Both of these parts give the transmission the power it needs to run. These components are very intricate and operate on a timed sequence which changes depending on an automobile’s make and model. The camshaft and the crankshaft have sensors attached to them that help determine the order at which these valves open and close.

Camshaft and crankshaft sensors tell a car’s computer when conditions are ideal for an engine to start. For example, the camshaft sensor will not allow the valves to open if there’s an inadequate amount of fuel or air in the mixture. The transmission needs the mixture to be the perfect combination of air and fuel to run smoothly. That’s why camshaft sensors are so important to diesel engine efficiency. If the sensor sends an inaccurate reading to the computer and the valves open before they should, the air-fuel mixture that’s needed to start an engine will be imbalanced. The rest of this article will discuss why that is an issue and what warning signs drivers should look out for.

Transmission Troubles

As previously discussed, the camshaft and crankshaft sensors provide power to the transmission. So, people will likely notice transmission troubles if either of these parts is damaged. One issue that folks may experience includes difficulty switching gears while driving. People may also notice that their transmission appears to be stuck in one gear until they turn the engine on and off a few times. Transmission problems are costly and incredibly dangerous. Anyone who notices transmission trouble while they’re on the road should visit a mechanic immediately.

Poor Acceleration

No one should have to put considerable weight on the gas pedal to get a car to move. Drivers who recognize they can’t get their car to go over 40mph should promptly call a repair specialist. Diesel engines don’t have spark plugs. Thus, they rely on the air-fuel mixture that’s created in the engine to get things up and running. If the sensor that opens the valves is broken, the engine will not have the appropriate mixture it needs to drive smoothly. So, drivers will have to use much more effort to get the same amount of power as they would when the component functions as it should. Jerking motions are also associated with poor acceleration. Folks whose cars are always stopping and going on the road should speak to a repair specialist as soon as possible. These professionals will figure out if a sensor is damaged and come up with solutions to resolve the problem.

Low Fuel Mileage

Another symptom of a bad camshaft sensor is poor fuel mileage. This issue likely occurs when a camshaft sensor tells a car’s computer it needs more fuel than it actually does. When this happens, drivers pump unnecessary fuel into their rides simply because of a bad reading. These frequent trips to the gas station can add up quickly. Trucking companies who manage large fleets don’t want to spend more money than necessary, as running a business is expensive enough already. That’s why drivers should inform their supervisors of any engine troubles the minute they notice them. The quicker the problems get resolved, the better the situation will be for everyone.

Engine Stalling

Engine stalling is incredibly dangerous. The term refers to a vehicle slowing or stopping while a person is driving. Unfortunately, the problem is more likely to occur when a camshaft sensor is damaged. A camshaft sensor should tell the car’s computer when the air-fuel mixture needed to keep the engine running is just right. This doesn’t happen when the sensor is broken. Instead, when the engine stalls, the air-fuel mixture is extremely low on fuel. The air-fuel mixture isn’t powerful enough to keep the engine running. Any driver who experiences engine stalling should call for help right away. An automotive technician will address the problems with the sensor so that it can get the correct reading.

Check Engine Light

There’s no feeling akin to the dread of seeing a check engine light come on. Of course, this light can become illuminated for a variety of different reasons. One of those reasons could be a defective camshaft sensor. Some people are notorious for ignoring their check engine lights. These folks hope the issue will resolve itself after a few days. This isn’t a smart move that other people should follow. In fact, everyone should take their car or truck to a repair specialist as soon as they see the light. If the camshaft sensor is actually malfunctioning, it’s smarter to get the problem fixed quickly before it’s too late.

No one should ignore warning signs that their camshaft sensor is broken. This part is crucial to an automobile’s performance, and this article has shown what happens when it’s damaged. Anyone in need of a replacement camshaft sensor should contact ATL Diesel immediately. We sell high-quality Volvo diesel engine parts for a decent price. Our remanufactured parts have been brought back to life and are extremely reliable. We understand how much engine issues disrupt a trucking company’s workflow. Every minute a driver is stuck on the side of the road due to a faulty part, a corporation loses money. So, it’s our mission as a team to help customers through every step of the repair process. We’ll help drivers and their supervisors determine what parts are right for their vehicle so that they can get back on the road as quickly as possible.

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