Common Diesel Engine Problems

Large corporations should use diesel trucks to ship their products across the country. Diesel gasoline is much cheaper than regular gasoline. Thus, it’s more economically feasible for companies to use diesel trucks because these drivers travel for extended periods of time. Also, diesel trucks are much larger than ordinary vehicles. So, they can typically carry more things than other cars. Yet, it’s essential to note that diesel engines still have issues, just like any other vehicle. This article will overview four common diesel engine problems. If you know what complications to watch out for, you can save yourself a lot of headaches in the future.

Black Smoke

We’ve all been stuck driving behind a smoky truck before. Yes, most vehicles emit black smoke; however, it should be a very minimal amount. If you notice your truck is releasing a lot of black smoke, there could be a problem with your diesel engine. Not only is this bad for people driving behind the trucks, but it’s not good for the truck drivers themselves either. If the black smoke is extremely excessive, it could creep up in front of your windshield or even create a strong odor in the semi’s cabin. While some black smoke is acceptable, tons of it isn’t normal. The number one reason why a diesel engine may be emitting too much black smoke is if the engine’s air-to-fuel ratio is imbalanced. Essentially, the engine is eating more fuel than air is available. There are several reasons why the engine may not have enough air, such as a broken diesel pump, faulty air filters, defective injectors, or broken EGR valves. If your truck or fleet is excessively emitting black smoke, please contact ATL Diesel today. We have many diesel engine parts that can replace the damaged ones if needed.

Oil Oxidation

Oil oxidation happens when a diesel engine isn’t used for an extended period of time. For example, if a company stores its fleet of trucks away for the winter, these engines could experience oil oxidation. Primarily, what happens is air gets into the oil storage and creates bubbles in the oil. These bubbles interfere with lubrication processes that occur in the engine. If these lubrication processes are put to a halt, the truck may not start. Luckily, oil oxidation is an easy fix. If you go to turn on your truck after it’s been stored away and it won’t start, get the oil changed immediately. The longer you go without changing the oil, the more severe the issue will become. If you perform an oil change and your truck still won’t start, seek a mechanic’s help as soon as possible.

Lack of Power

Almost every vehicle that has a diesel engine is larger than your typical car. Diesel engines are normally put in massive cargo trucks or substantially sized agricultural equipment. Sometimes, one of the reasons why people experience issues with their diesel engines is because the engine is unable to meet the power requirement. Essentially, the engine is too clogged, or it has dirty filters, so it can’t run properly. Drivers typically notice this problem because their vehicle won’t start. Or, they can realize this problem when the automobile is at peak performance. So many truck drivers have been stuck on the side of the road because their engine doesn’t have enough power. The easiest solution to this problem is to use a diesel injector cleaner. This product will help unclog the engine so that it can run efficiently once again. It’s best to buy some diesel injector cleaner the minute you notice you’re having problems with your engine. After all, there’s nothing worse than being stuck on the side of the road with a broken-down truck.

Problems with the Ignition

Automobiles with a diesel engine have a different ignition than other cars. In a standard vehicle, wires work together to turn the ignition and start the car. This isn’t the case, however, when operating a vehicle with a diesel engine. Instead, a diesel engine’s ignition runs entirely on compression. Essentially, a mixture of fuel and air is created to get the engine to start. Then, the fuel and air work together and spontaneously combust to start the engine. This happens because the mixture hits just the right temperature, and it gets warm enough to make a reaction that jump-starts the engine. Yet, the mixture has trouble reaching the right temperature during colder winter months. Thus, diesel engines have something called glow plugs to aid in the process. A glow plug is an electrical heating device that helps heat up the fuel and air mixture so the engine can start. Another common diesel engine problem is having issues with glow plugs. If you drive a truck during the winter and it never starts up, consider having your glow plugs looked at. You may need new ones so that your engine can be heated up enough to start. Think of your diesel engine’s glow plugs as the spark needed to get things going. Without this heated spark, you could be left with a malfunctioning vehicle.

Diesel engines are a remarkable option for larger vehicles that are used to carry tons of equipment. Moreover, diesel gasoline is typically less expensive than other types of gasoline. Since these engines are more powerful and more economically feasible than traditional engines, lots of corporations use vehicles with diesel engines to ship their products around the country. Diesel engines help make large manufacturing companies more efficient, and thus, they can earn more money.

Yet, diesel engines aren’t immune from experiencing issues. In fact, there are lots of common diesel engine problems that drivers should watch out for. If you drive an automobile with a diesel engine regularly, please contact ATL Diesel today. We have plenty of diesel engine parts and years of experience under our belt. So, we can assist you with any issue you’re having so you can get back on the road quicker.


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